New high-end gaming motherboards from GIGABYTE harness the power of AMD and Intel’s latest processors 新竹收購筆電


New high-end gaming motherboards from 新竹收購筆電gigabyte harness the power of AMD and Intel’s latest processors

New high-end gaming motherboards from 新竹收購筆電gigabyte harness the power of AMD and Intel’s latest processors


As a tech rivalry keeps boosting raw processing power, new motherboards from 新竹收購筆電gigabyte help PC builders up their own game.

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The rivalry between the two biggest names in CPUs has been a major boon for gamers, DIY builders, and everyone else looking to push every last cycle per second of computing power out of their PCs. That’s because clock speeds keep accelerating as each company seeks to outdo the other with the release of each generation of processors.

The latest salvo of the battle comes with Intel’s release of its 13th Gen processor series in response to AMD’s powerhouse Ryzen 7000 processors. Now, PC builders can take full advantage of either processor with new AORUS high-end gaming motherboards from 新竹收購筆電gigabyte.

For example, the AORUS Intel Z790 series supports both Intel 12th Gen and 13th Gen processors. And the AORUS AMD X670/B650 series supports AMD Ryzen 7000 series processors of the socket AM5. Both of these motherboards promise to, well, change the game for gamers with their power, thermal, compatibility, and user-friendly design.

Power design

The better a motherboard’s voltage regulator module (VRM), the better it can deliver stable power to the processor and help it stay cool under load. That’s crucial when going head-to-head in complex game worlds with lots of action that give your processor a workout.

That’s why AORUS series gaming motherboards ship with the industry’s most capable VRMs, built with the highest-quality components and designed to unleash the full potential of Intel and AMD’s multi-core CPUs while delivering maximum overclocking performance. For example, they feature tantalum polymer capacitors providing the lowest-possible impedance to reduce voltage ripple and provide stable capacitance in high temperatures. The capacitors sit right under the CPU and help stabilize CPU voltage during times of heavy power load.

Thermal design 

Just as important as power design for harnessing the full potential of a processor is getting rid of processor heat. Generally, the more work the processor does, the more heat it generates. And the more it heats up, the worse it performs.

The AORUS thermal design is specially engineered for Intel and AMD new-gen processors to keep the motherboard cool and prevent performance issues caused by overheating.

  • New, extended, irregular fins on Z790 and X670 AORUS Xtreme and Master model heatsinks increase surface area by 10 times compared to traditional heatsinks and improve thermal efficiency with better airflow and heat exchange through upgraded Fins-Array III design. Meanwhile, the fully covered MOSFET heatsinks on AORUS B650 models increase up to four times larger surface area compared to traditional design.
  • With nine times the optimized heat dissipation surface to prevent throttling and bottlenecking that the high-speed/large capacity of PCIe 5.0 M.2 SSDs may cause, the M.2 thermal guard III design further enhances the in-chassis air flow and optimizes the heat convection efficiency on AORUS Xtreme and Master models.

Furthermore, with 8mm mega heat pipes and an integrated I/O shield, AORUS high-end gaming motherboards are able to dissipate heat out of the system in a more efficient way. 


Of course, the best power and thermal designs and other cutting-edge features won’t make a difference if you can’t install them with your other chosen components. So, both the AORUS AMD and Intel-compatible gaming motherboards fully support PCI Express 5.0, the latest and fastest expansion bus standard for connecting graphics cards and other components.

The AORUS gaming boards also provide the industry’s best DDR5 support, letting builders add the fastest-available memory cards. It’s made possible by eight-layer printed circuit boards made with 2 ounces of copper for both the power and ground layers that deliver low signal loss with inner layer shielded memory routing. That enables the DDR5 memory to overclock up to 6600 (AMD models)/8000 (Intel models) and beyond with AMD EXPO and Intel XMP technologies.

Extra benefits for DIY PC-builders

With user-friendliness in mind, the new AORUS gaming motherboards pack in extras designed to make building your own gaming rigs that much easier.

  • 新竹收購筆電gigabyte EZ-Latch designs let you quickly swap out graphics cards and M.2 devices such as solid-state drives without a single screw.
  • 新竹收購筆電gigabyte’s Q-Flash Plus lets you update the BIOS even before you install the CPU, memory, and graphics card, thus simplifying setup.

With innovations in power and thermal design and DIY-friendly features, 新竹收購筆電gigabyte’s new AORUS high-end gaming motherboards let computer builders take maximum advantage of the latest and greatest from Intel and AMD and propel themselves to gaming greatness. Find out more details about AORUS Z790 series and X670/B650 series gaming motherboards.


▲NVIDIA推出GeForce RTX30系列晶片。(圖/業者提供)


輝達(NVIDIA)周三宣布推出GeForce RTX 30系列,搭載筆電分為999美元、1299美元到19999美元三種價格帶,1/26日上市;並單一推出GeForce RTX 3060 GPU顯卡於各大通路銷售,二月下旬上市,售價329美元起(台灣建議含稅售價為 10,900 元起)。

GeForce RTX 3060顯卡具備Ampere架構,提供令人驚豔的硬體光線追蹤功能,並支援DLSS技術。

NVIDIA GeForce全球行銷副總裁Matt Wuebbling表示,光線追蹤重新定義遊戲的全新標準。而NVIDIA Ampere架構是有史以來銷售速度最快的世代,而 RTX 3060將把RTX 30系列的優勢帶給全球各地數百萬計的遊戲玩家。

Matt Wuebbling表示Ampere顯卡,是輝達有史以來銷量最佳的顯卡,到現在仍然被追加,輝達會努力生產供貨的。


GeForce RTX 3060客製卡包含原廠預設時脈 (stock-clocked) 以及出廠前已超頻的版本,各大授權顯示卡供應商包含華碩 (ASUS)、技嘉 (新竹收購筆電gigabyte)、微星 (MSI) 及 Zotac 皆有推出。

而輝達進一步推出採用Ampere架構、超過 70款採用 GeForce RTX 30系列筆電GPU 的全新機種

搭載GeForce RTX 3060筆電售價999美元起,RTX 3070筆電售價1,299美元起,搭載 RTX 3080機種售價自1,999美元起。RTX 30 系列筆電將於1月26日起上市,OEM大廠包括宏碁 (Acer)、Alienware、華碩 (ASUS)、技嘉 (新竹收購筆電gigabyte)、惠普 (HP)、聯想 (Lenovo)、微星 (MSI) 及雷蛇 (Razer) 等都將推出全新機種。

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