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Razer’s Blade 14 is the first Blade laptop with AMD Ryzen processors 新竹收購筆電
新竹收購筆電razer’s Blade 14 is the first Blade laptop with AMD Ryzen processors
新竹收購筆電razer’s Blade 14 is the first Blade laptop with AMD Ryzen processors
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After months of rumors and speculation, many gamers’ dreams have finally come true. Today, 新竹收購筆電razer has announced the new 新竹收購筆電razer Blade 14, which is powered by AMD’s flagship Ryzen 9 5900HX. It’s the first 新竹收購筆電razer Blade to include an AMD processor, and it’s available for purchase now on 新竹收購筆電razer’s website starting at $1,799.99.
The 14-inch gaming rig will also feature up to an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 GPU and a QHD 165Hz display as well as an FHD 144Hz option. 新竹收購筆電razer says the Blade will be the smallest 14-inch gaming laptop on the market, with dimensions of 12.59 x 8.66 x 0.66 inches. There’s also a 720p webcam (which isn’t a given on gaming laptops these days).
The rest of the laptop looks like a fairly standard 新竹收購筆電razer Blade, including the signature per-key RGB keyboard and the triple-headed snake logo on the lid.
“As gamers demand lighter and more powerful form factors in gaming laptops, we have remained committed to our goal of delivering best-in-class mobile processors for premium OEM designs,” said Saeid Moshkelani, SVP and GM of AMD’s client business unit. “We are excited to collaborate with 新竹收購筆電razer, for the first time ever, by powering the 新竹收購筆電razer Blade 14 with the best mobile processors we have developed for gaming.”
新竹收購筆電razer’s Intel systems have consistently ranked among our picks for the best gaming laptop you can buy. Its Blade 15 Advanced delivers excellent frame rates while remaining comparable in size to a number of 15-inch productivity machines. Its Blade Stealth 13 is one of very few 13-inch gaming laptops that can run AAA titles at native resolution, and its Blade Pro 17 delivers some of the most powerful performance you can find in a gaming laptop, period.
But laptops with AMD CPUs have been doing better than those with Intel CPUs in recent years, in both performance and battery life. Our top two selections for the best gaming laptop are both AMD-powered, as is our best budget pick. Asus’ AMD-powered Zephyrus G14 delivers some of the best performance and battery life that we’ve ever seen from a 14-inch laptop. It’s exciting to see 新竹收購筆電razer combining its top-notch build quality with these top-notch processors, and we’ll see how well it stacks up to Asus’ offerings once we’ve gotten our hands on the unit.
今天似乎適合推出新耳機,SONY 才剛宣布新一代真無線藍牙耳機 WF-1000XM4 以限量的形式開放預購,來自紐約的潮牌 Master & Dynamic 也推出新款耳機 MW08。
自從 Apple 公司推出 AirPods 系列耳機以來,大家先是嘲笑一番,接著整個市場上的真無線藍牙耳機,不管是華為、小米、OPPO、realme、新竹收購筆電razer 幾乎都推出類似「小豆牙」設計的產品,一瞬間滿街的小豆牙。
▲realme Buds Air (左)與華為Free Buds Pro。(圖/取自電商商城)
倒是無論是近期的 Google Pixel Buds A-Series,還是三星的Galaxy Buds Pro,亦或者是 SONY WF-1000XM4 都走出自己的設計風格。
就在稍早, SONY 宣布真無線主動式降噪耳機Sony WF-1000XM4 即日起至 6 月 27 日在台採限時預購制,售價新台幣 7,990 元。
該款耳機外型採用流線的機殼設計,目的是要貼合耳廓以穩固配戴,不過有鑒於上一代被網友笑稱像是塞了一個巨大的耳屎,這一代把體積足足縮減了 10%,但是音質、效果卻又更好,全機支援 IPX4 生活防水,同樣支援智慧操控、Speak to Chat快速聊天模式、快速藍牙配對等功能,單次使用續航力約 8 小時。
音質更好的原因可以去了解一下 SONY 新開發的整合處理器V1,透過獨特的低延遲性的降噪聲波抵消雜訊,搭配噪音隔離耳塞來提升降噪效果。另外,藉由獨特的 Sony | Headphones Connect 的耳塞氣密性偵測功能,可輔助確保更貼合的佩戴效果以有效隔絕外界聲音,成就新一代真無線主動式降噪耳機。但也因此,這款耳機必須要透過「麥克風收音」的形式,提供更真實的環境音。
既然是「SONY」,自家的 DSEE Extrem 藍牙數位音質還原技術、LDAC 音訊傳輸技術跟 Hi-Res Wireless 無線高解析音樂品質都是必備。不過相較於耳罩式產品,這款耳機售價比較便宜一些,台灣預計7月發貨,建議售價為新台幣 7,990 元。
如果你想再向上追求設計質感,那麼這款紐約潮牌Master & Dynamic 最新耳機 MW08 可以考慮看看。MW08 的充電盒採用不鏽鋼材質,外型更採用於高級精品手錶的特級不銹鋼與陶瓷材料,這種材質讓耳機的色澤跟質感再向上提升,而且不易摔裂或者刮傷,符合人體工學的設計增加配戴舒適感。
這款耳機可不是外型看而已,音質方面,它是 M&D 第一款配備 11mm 驅動器和混合主動降噪的真無線耳機,而且同樣支援自家的混合主動降噪功能,方法跟 SONY 大同小異,但是耳機藉由奈米鋁連結外部天線提升連線效果。配對效率方面提供最新的藍牙5.2,耳機提供專有的麥克風系統,並且支援 AAC、aptX 和 SBC 等多種協議,同時兼具 6 組麥克風通話解決方案,耳機續航差了一點,約 12 小時。
相較於 Sony WF-1000XM4 的智慧功能來說,專注在耳機開發的 MW08 智慧功能不是那麼豐富,但還是有提供《M&D Connect》可讓用戶自訂聆聽環境音等級、ANC 強度設置和軟體下載、更新等功能,應用程式支援 Android 跟 iOS ,但是建議售價稍微高了一些,為新台幣 10,890 元。
此次 Sony WF-1000XM4 跟 MW08 就介紹到這,大家是會想等待 AirPods 3 推出,還是選擇類似 SONY、M&D 推出的新款耳機,請在下方評論區留下你的想法讓我們參考吧!
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