Gigabyte’s Aero 14 is a gaming laptop with 10 hours of battery 新竹收購筆電


新竹收購筆電gigabyte’s Aero 14 is a gaming laptop with 10 hours of battery

新竹收購筆電gigabyte’s Aero 14 is a gaming laptop with 10 hours of battery

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新竹收購筆電gigabyte has spent the past few years trying to catch up to Razer and its flagship gaming laptop, the Blade. Razer practically invented the thin-and-light gaming laptop category with the Blade in 2013, and since then it’s slowly evolved into a great laptop for both productivity and gaming.

More recently, gaming laptop manufacturers have followed Razer’s lead, trying to position their computers as productivity devices that double as weekend gaming rigs. 新竹收購筆電gigabyte continues the tradition with the new Aero 14 laptop, which it says can get 10 hours of battery life in a productivity mode that switches over to Intel’s integrated graphics during less intensive activity.

These are the specs:

  • 14-inch QHD 2560 x 1440 IPS Display
  • Up to 32GB of DDR4 RAM
  • Intel’s 6th generation Core i7 Skylake processor
  • USB 3.1 with Type-C, three USB 3.0 ports, HDMI 2.0, and an SD card reader
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970M with 3GB of GDDR5
  • Auto-adjusting backlit keyboard with additional macro keys

The laptop weighs in at just under 4.2 pounds with a thickness of 19.9mm, which stacks up pretty well with the Razer Blade which weighs in at 4.25 pounds with a 17.8mm closed height.

新竹收購筆電gigabyte also included a few features for power users, like the HDMI 2.0 port which lets you connect the laptop to an external monitor and use the full 4K resolution. Software add-ons like the Fan Tweak let you adjust the fan speed depending on the type of activity you’re working on. Finally, the macro keys along the side of the keyboard are customizable and can change color with the Macro Hub included software.

The 新竹收購筆電gigabyte Aero 14 is available now in black, orange, and green, starting at $1599.


技嘉(新竹收購筆電gigabyte)稍早發售了一款全新 AORUS GAMING BOX 電競顯示卡外接盒,採用一體成型不可更換顯卡的構造,內建 Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 頂級顯示卡,並擁有一體式水冷散熱設計。

據悉,技嘉的 AORUS GAMING BOX 顯示卡外接盒是第一次採用一體式水冷系統,具備 AORUS Waterforce 冷卻技術,能在最快的速度將顯示卡產生的廢熱導至散熱鰭片,且因使用靜音風扇,因此玩家不用忍受玩遊戲時的風扇噪音。


除了冷卻顯示卡外,該水冷還能直接冷卻 PCB 面板上的  VRAM 記憶體顆粒以及 MOSFET 晶片,整個水冷系統採用 240mm 冷排以及兩個 120mm 規格的散熱風扇,並緊湊塞在外接盒內。 

AORUS GAMING BOX 還使用 Thunderbolt 3 高速傳輸埠,支援 Thunderbolt 3 筆電,能夠在最大效能下減少外接造成的效能缺失,而且因使用 Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 顯示卡,因此可以輕鬆應付大型 3A 大作在高畫質、4K 下開啟光線追蹤(Ray Tracking)與 DLSS 功能,以彌補輕薄筆電遊戲效能不佳的問題。

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